Heal All Levels of Self through QHHT®
Through Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®), I help guide you into a deep inner journey, allowing you to access your Soul’s memories and wisdom, and uncover profound insights and healing along the way.
Here are some of the things my clients have reported after their QHHT® sessions:
Relief from or complete disappearance of physical symptoms
Emotional release and the clearing of stuck energies
Transformation of negative core beliefs and thought patterns
Greater understanding of life purpose
Increased personal empowerment and confidence
Clarity and guidance around life events and relationships
Answers to deep, curiosity-driven questions
Leslie Shull, Level 2 QHHT® Practitioner
I am honored to share a piece of my story and myself here with the world!
I am fascinated by natural healing, plant medicine, and metaphysics. All of which tie in very nicely with QHHT®! I absolutely love what I do and also helping others in the process.
When I'm not facilitating QHHT® sessions, I can be found in my Native American garden, where I grow plants that have a deep historical significance to Native American cultures. You could also find me at a powwow, or sipping ceremonial cacao in nature.
I have a very full bookshelf, mostly filled with Dolores Cannon and related hypnosis books!
My Story
If there is anything I have learned in my work with QHHTⓇ, it’s that everyone has a story to tell, and every story is important and worthy of being truly heard. My journey in life has led me to developing a deep desire to help people find answers and relief. I have great compassion for my clients and what they are going through, no matter how big or “small” their struggles may seem.
Starting out my adult life, I studied Naturopathic Medicine at the Naturopathic Institute of Therapies and Education in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. This quickly began to feel like a home away from home. My passion to learn about getting to the root cause of ailments grew exponentially, and I began to grow more and more curious about addressing health in ways beyond the physical realm. About two years into my classes and training, my life path seemed to take a turn- one I could not figure out. I was forced to drop out of the institute when I became unable to function and do what I needed to do in order to be successful.
I suffered in a way that truly caused severe trauma on multiple levels. I was unable to do anything at all and I could not find any relief from the pain I was experiencing. No certain positions, no special supplements, no advice from naturopaths, no bodywork, no medical professionals, NOTHING was helping me! Nothing could take away the chronic pain and severe, literally constant, migraines. I could not sleep, and I could not be comfortable when I was awake, either. It got so bad that I struggled to want to be alive.
I tried as many natural healing modalities as I could and I tried seeing so many different doctors and professionals, even specialists. Most doctors thought I was lying or exaggerating and wouldn’t listen to my story. My scans looked “fine,” and I was told that I was “fine.” I had to scream from the mountain tops that I was not fine, I could not live my life, and still nobody seemed to take me seriously.
The damage done to my mind and spirit during this time was immense. It felt like my soul was drowning. Not only could I not function enough to hold a job or even just to do small everyday tasks (like cook a meal or wash my hair, for example), but I also could not do anything for my spirit anymore. I could not dance. I could not write. I could no longer express myself in any way. I soon found my friendships dissipating due to my new way of living, and against my will I became deeply alone in life and in the suffering I found myself in. I had nobody by my side, and nobody to actually hear my screams. To everyone on the outside, I looked “normal.” They could not possibly grasp what I was going through and even my closest family members often dismissed what I tried to express about it because they had never been through anything like it, so they assumed I was just exaggerating.
After a couple years of living this way, I began counseling in hopes of making my life somewhat bearable. What I learned through all of this, was that somehow, something was still missing in the healing field. Even with all the different healing modalities and all the different approaches to “fixing” what was going on with my body, there was still this huge blank spot. I was not improving like I should have been according to the many different people I sought help from. I did everything “right” and still I was in so much pain. It took years of my life and cost me thousands of dollars… thousands!
After 4 years of suffering, I was finally introduced to something that gave me partial relief from the pain. My life was still incredibly limited due to my body’s limitations and chronic pain, and I lived in fear of making one wrong move and triggering an unstoppable long-term migraine again. The problem with the “solution” I found, was that I became reliant on it just to get by, and it was not actually a “solution.” It did, however, give me a tiny break to breathe and feel what it felt like to not be in constant agony… which I hadn’t been able to feel relief from in years.
Finally, there was a turning point for me when I went to one of my routine appointments with a craniosacral therapist. She recognized that I was not getting any better despite all the different things I was doing and everything I had tried. She told me she thought maybe I should try something entirely different, and said that she also did hypnosis, if I was open to trying it. Fascinated, I asked her what that would be like and how it could potentially help me. She gave me some general information and said it wasn’t just hypnosis- it also would involve past life regression. I figured that even if this was just another thing that wouldn’t end up helping me, at least I’d get to experience visiting a past life. So, feeling like I had nothing to lose other than more money I was going to have to spend on trying other things anyway, I said yes. Less than a week later I was back in her studio where we traveled back in time to explore what I needed to see to help me in the very best way.
That QHHTⓇ session changed my life. For some, they can resolve the issue and come out of hypnosis completely pain-free. For me, I was not completely “fixed” yet, but that was okay because I was given so much information and clarity. I knew it was the beginning of something amazing. After this session I was sent home with encouragement to read a book written by a well-known QHHTⓇ practitioner and when I did, I could not put the book down. I was mesmerized by what could be explored through these sessions. Less than two months later I was enrolled in the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy. As a QHHTⓇ intern, I started to see clients as part of my certification. A few of them were fellow interns, who graciously agreed to swap QHHTⓇ sessions with me. This is where my healing really began to take off. I cannot begin to explain what I have experienced and the changes it made on me, my body, mind, spirit, and life in general. There is no way to put all of it into words. Words are simply too small and ordinary to encompass the full picture.
What I can say is that I am no longer who I used to be, and I am constantly evolving, healing, and remembering who I am. I have gotten to meet my Soul and see myself from so many different perspectives. I am constantly improving my physical health, mental health, and finding reasons I want to be alive and be a part of this world. I see my value as a facilitator in others’ life paths. I’ve learned that all healing is self-healing, and I have finally found what is missing from all the different ways people try to heal their ailments. Nothing I had tried previous to QHHTⓇ addressed the Soul and what might be ailing it. I see now that my suffering was a mirror to a suffering my Soul has been trying to heal throughout many lifetimes. This is something that could quite possibly have taken me many more lifetimes to resolve if I didn’t have something like QHHTⓇ to help me look inward and understand the situation I had found myself in. The peace and relief I have gained from QHHTⓇ is priceless. I cannot say this enough. It is something that must be experienced in order to be truly understood.
So, I understand with great depth the suffering of the Soul and of the body. I understand what it’s like to always be searching and searching and not knowing what to do. I listen intently to my clients and understand how important their words are. I’m here for this huge transformation everyone is capable of experiencing. Whether you have chronic pain like I did or a different struggle entirely, no matter how big or small it may seem, I’m here to listen and to guide you on the journey you’re ready to begin now.
💜 “We are all connected to each other and to the infinite wisdom of the universe; when we tap into this connection, anything is possible.” ― Dolores Cannon 💜